Jesus Christ’s Introduction in the Old Testament

1. Ge 3:15, seed of the woman
2. Gen 12, call of Abraham, all nations eventually blessed through him
3. Gen 14, Melchizedek
4. Ge 22, Abraham offers Isaac, a sacrifice promised
5. Ge 49:10, Shiloh will come, a descendent of Judah
6. Ex 12, the passover Lamb and His blood
7. Ex 17:6, the smitten Rock
8. Nu 21, the fiery serpent on a pole
9. Nu 24, the star out of Jacob (descendent of Jacob), the Sceptre out of Israel
10. Deu 18, a Prophet like unto Moses would come
11. Josh 5:14-15, captain of the LORD’s host
12. II Sa 7, the Davidic covenant
13. Job 19:25, the returning Redeemer
14. Ps 2:2-8, the Son is God and given heathen
15. Ps 16, the resurrection
16. Ps 22, the crucifixion and what He would say on the cross, his garments would be parted
17. Ps 24:7-10, the King of Glory
18. Ps 34:20, None of His bones would be broken
19. Ps 68:18, He would ascend
20. Ps 69:21, He would be given vinegar on the cross
21. Ps 110:1, 4, priest after Melchizedek
22. Ps 118:22, headstone
23. Is 7:14, Immanuel through the virgin birth
24. Is 8:14, stone of stumbling
25. Is 9, His ministry to begin in Galilee
26. Is 9:6, His name Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
27. Is 9:7, His government and kingdom forever
28. Is 11, the reign of the Branch and His wonderful kingdom (descendent of David)
29. Is 28:16, He would be the rejected Cornerstone and foundation
30. Is 35:5-6, He would have a ministry of miracles
31. Is 40:3, Jehovah would come to earth as a man
32. Is 42:1-4, the servant of God
33. Is 50:6, He would be smitten
34. Is 52:14, marred visage
35. Is 53, the Messiah’s sufferings and death for man’s sins, execution with criminals, buried with rich
36. Is 61:1, the anointed preacher
37. Je 23:5-6, the Branch’s name shall be Jehovah
38. Da 3:25, the Son of God
39. Dan 7:9, He would be the Ancient of Days
40. Dan 9, the time of the Messiah’s birth
41. Hos 11, He would be called out of Egypt
42. Mic 5, to be born in Bethlehem, He would be everlasting
43. Hag 2:7, He would eventually be the “desire of all nations”
44. Zec 3:8; 6:12, the BRANCH
45. Zec 9, He would ride into Jerusalem on a colt, He would be the King of Israel
46. Zec 11, His betrayal price (30 pieces of silver)
47. Zec 12:10, the pierced One
48. Zec 13:6, the pierced hands
49. Zec 14, His glorious kingdom
50. Mal 4:2, the Sun of righteousness
51. Mal 3 and 4, the forerunner, John the Baptist
All the Prophets:
Ge (Moses) 3:15, seed of the woman
Gen 14, Melchizedek
Ge 22, Abraham offers Isaac, a sacrifice promised
Ge 49:10, Shiloh will come, a descendent of Judah
Ex 12, the passover Lamb and His blood
Ex 17:6, the smitten Rock
Nu 21, the fiery serpent on a pole
Nu 24, the star out of Jacob (descendent of Jacob), the Sceptre out of Israel
Deu 18, a Prophet like unto Moses would come
Joshua 5:14-15, captain of the LORD’s host
II Samuel 7, the Davidic covenant (the coming King)
Job 19:25, the returning Redeemer
Ps (David) 16, the resurrection
Ps 22, the crucifixion and what He would say on the cross, his garments would be parted
Ps 24:7-10, the King of Glory
Ps 34:20, None of His bones would be broken
Ps 68:18, He would ascend
Ps 69:21, He would be given vinegar on the cross
Ps 110:1, 4, priest after Melchizedek
Ps 118:22, headstone
Song (Solomon) – Lily of the Valley; the Rose of Sharon
Isaiah 7:14, Immanuel through the virgin birth
Is 8:14, stone of stumbling
Is 9, His ministry to begin in Galilee
Is 9:6, His name Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Is 11, the reign of the Branch and His wonderful kingdom (descendent of David)
Is 28:16, He would be the rejected Cornerstone and foundation
Is 35:5-6, He would have a ministry of miracles
Is 40:3, Jehovah would come to earth as a man
Is 50:6, He would be smitten
Is 52:14, marred visage
Is 53, the Messiah’s sufferings & death for man’s sins, execution with criminals, buried with rich
Is 61:1, the anointed preacher
Jeremiah 23:5-6, the Branch’s name shall be Jehovah
Ezekiel- Throne Sitter
Daniel 3:25, the Son of God
Dan 7:9, He would be the Ancient of Days
Dan 9, the time of the Messiah’s birth
Hosea 11, He would be called out of Egypt
Joel- Lord of Bounty
Amos- Rescuer of Israel
Obadiah- Deliverer on Mt. Zion
Jonah- Buried and Risen Saviour
Micah 5, to be born in Bethlehem, He would be everlasting
Nahum- Our Stronghold
Habakkuk- Anchor of our faith
Zephaniah- the Just LORD
Haggai 2:7, He would eventually be the “desire of all nations”
Zechariah 3:8; 6:12, the BRANCH
Zec 9, He would ride into Jerusalem on a colt, He would be the King of Israel
Zec 11, His betrayal price (30 pieces of silver)
Zec 13:6, the pierced hands
Zec 14, His glorious kingdom
Malachi 4:2, the Sun of righteousness
Mal 3 and 4, the forerunner, John the Baptist